Packaging Manager     print pdf

1. Introduction

The packaging profession is developing rapidly because of the many new requirements imposed by legislation, advancing technology, and the internationalisation of the business environment. Packaging Managers play a key role in integrating these developments within the business. They shape the packaging policy of the company based on broad and deep insights that are based on knowledge of and skills in packaging. They propagate the importance of properly packaging products for the company, its customers and society.

To put it briefly:
Packaging Managers are professionals who are responsible at middle and higher management levels for innovating, directing, and executing market-product-packaging processes and who bear the responsibility for these processes.

The present document describes the competence profile of the Packaging Manager as determined by Stichting NVC Examens in conjunction with NVC Netherlands Packaging Centre, the NVC education department and Stichting Examenkamer.

The competence profile forms the basis of the Examination Requirements NVC Packaging Professional II. The NVC Packaging Professional II exams are organised by Stichting NVC Examens in accordance with the Regulations and Procedure of Appeals NVC Packaging Professional. Stichting NVC Examens is supervised by Stichting Examenkamer.

2. Goals of the profession; key areas of expertise

The Packaging Manager gives support to the execution of studies and research with the goal of improving packaging and packaging processes and methods and of introducing new packaging and packaging processes and methods with the goal of accomplishing the most suitable packaging for each product. The market-product-packaging combination (M-P-V combination) is central to these undertakings.

3. Position in the organisation

3.1 In the packaging industry: operations manager, QA/RA manager, head of product development department, head of packaging development, account manager, sales manager, or other type of executive.

3.1.1 In Small and Medium Enterprises, for example, as staff or line officer, reporting to or advising the board of directors, head of procurement, production management, or head of laboratory.

3.1.2 In large companies, for example, as packaging coordinator or staff member of the packaging consultancy, packaging laboratory, product development department, or marketing department.

3.2 In the packaging producing industry (including suppliers of packaging materials, packaging machines, and auxiliary materials).

3.2.1 In Small and Medium Enterprises, for example, as staff or line officer reporting to or advising the board of directors, head of sales, or head of laboratory.

3.2.2 In large companies, for example as staff member of the customer service department, application laboratory, marketing department, product development department, or packaging development and consultancy department.

4. Some aspects of the position

In order to properly fulfil the position of Packaging Manager the following qualifications and abilities are of importance:

  • Management experience in a company where the packaging profession is applied.
  • Qualification level NVC Course Programme in Packaging II, diploma NVC Packaging Professional II and /or higher professional education in any technical field and /or work experience at a middle or senior management level.
  • Good understanding of commercial and economic matters.
  • Creativity in development of packaging or packaging processes.
  • Good social and communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently on assignments under supervision of a Strategic Packaging Professional or other assigned supervisor.
  • Solid knowledge of the packaging discipline – both internally and externally – particularly concerning legislation, rules, standards, and new developments.

5. Tasks

This is an overview of tasks and skills, responsibilities, and competences that can be part of the position of a Packaging Manager.

Tasks and skills:

  • Ability to solve issues concerning packaging processes in various areas such as procurement, sales, quality assurance, operations, research & development, (technical) marketing, chemical technology, environmental science, and logistics.
  • Ability to execute quality management systems.
  • Ability to draw up packaging specifications.
  • Ability to organise logistic trajectories.
  • Ability to carry out saving and improvement projects.
  • Ability to execute and report on packaging projects.
  • Ability to evaluate the suitability of packaging machines and equipment.
  • Ability to evaluate (key elements of) investment decisions.
  • Ability to advise on procurement of project-related materials and/or machines.  
  • Ability to point out, report, and solve bottlenecks in packaging projects.


  • Research the market for packaging trends and innovative materials and processes.
  • Keep knowledge and documentation of the packaging discipline up to date – both internally and externally – as on packaging rules, regulations, and standards and new developments.


  • Offer packaging concepts to solve packaging problems.
  • Make cost-price calculations.
  • Approve quotes and order confirmations.

6. Additional information

The Examination Requirements for NVC Packaging Professional II are based on the present Competence Profile Packaging Manager. The Final Attainment Levels and Examination Requirements NVC Packaging Professional II can be obtained from Stichting NVC Examens, PO Box 164, 2800 AD, Gouda, the Netherlands.

The Regulation and Appeals procedure for the exams for NVC Packaging Professional are provided in the Regulations and Procedure of Appeals NVC Packaging Professional. This publication can be obtained from Stichting NVC Examens, PO Box 164, 2800 AD, Gouda, the Netherlands.

Stichting NVC Examens supervised by Stichting Examenkamer, PO Box 3439, 7301 EK Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.

Examination dates

NVC Packaging Professional I: register
17 January 2025
25 April 2025
Location: Buitenplaats de Bergse Bossen - Driebergen