Regulations and Appeals Procedure Exams NVC Packaging Professional     print pdf

Examination Regulations for exams for the NVC Packaging Professional Diploma

General provisions

1. Examinations for NVC Diploma Packaging Professional will be conducted by Stichting NVC Examens. Stichting NVC Examens is under the supervision of Stichting Examenkamer.

2.  The board of Stichting NVC Examens is responsible for organising exams mentioned in article 1 and bears the responsibility for:

    1.    realising proposals, adjustments, and alterations in stipulated examination requirements in a timely manner;

    2.    considering and acting upon proposals concerning examination procedures;

    3.    scheduling examination dates;

    4.    appointing examination committees;

    5.    monitoring administrative tasks and managing financial matters with regard to examinations;

    6.    taking all other important measures for the examinations.

3. The examination takes place at least once every two years – when appropriate at multiple locations in the Netherlands, in which case a separate examination committee is appointed for each location. All written exams are, when all participants receive the same assignments and questions, held on the same date and at the same time.

The place and time for each exam will be announced by Stichting NVC Examens at least two months in advance, stating the address from which the entry forms can be obtained and the examination fee.

4. The representatives of Stichting Examenkamer exercise supervision over the examinations in correspondence with the instructions they receive from Stichting Examenkamer.

5. The examination committee has the duty to:

  • determine the written examination questions;
  • grade the exams;
  • subject the candidates to the oral exams;
  • determine the grade of each candidate.

6. The candidate confirms having read and agrees to the content of this document by signing the entry form for the examination.

The examinations

1. The examination requirements for the Diplomas NVC Packaging Professional are established by the board of Stichting NVC Examens. Details of the examination requirements can be understood more precisely by referring to corresponding literature.

2. Changes in examination requirements will be published at least twelve months before affected examinations are to be administered.

3. The assignments and the written and oral examination questions will be consistent with the applicable examination requirements.

4. The examination requirements are annexed to the present regulation.

5. The duration of the examination is a maximum of 10 hours and may consist of written and oral parts.

6. At least three weeks before the examination date each candidate receives an invitation. The invitation contains the following information:

    a.    the duration of the examination and the order and duration of the separate written and oral parts of the examination;

    b.    the testing aids that may or must be used during the examination.

7. The exams are not public. Communication about the results can only take place as part of an appeals procedure.

8. The candidate is given the opportunity to take the exam in a scheduled room in which a copy of the examination regulation is available. The candidate is required to be at the scheduled room at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination.

9.  The examination materials are present in the room in sealed packages. The chairman of the examination committee or a representative of Stichting NVC Examens and a candidate selected by him/her check the examination materials at the start of the examination.

10. Each candidate writes his/her examination number on each piece of paper he/she receives.

11. The candidates are required to follow the instructions for writing on and using the authenticated papers given by or on behalf of the examination committee.

12. The members of the examination committee and all persons involved in the organisation of the examination are held to secrecy of everything they take note of by virtue of their positions.

13. The chairman of the examination committee is authorised to exclude candidates who have committed fraud in the process of signing up or during the examination from further participation. In this case Stichting NVC Examens will immediately inform Stichting Examenkamer about the exclusion.

14. Payment of the examination fee must be made in full at least 10 days before the scheduled date of the examination. The examination fees are set annually by the board of Stichting NVC Examens.

15. A candidate that withdraws less than one month in advance of the scheduled examination date will be charged € 50.00 administration costs. In the case of cancellation less than 10 days before the scheduled examination date the full examination fee will be charged.

16. There is no possibility for restitution of the examination fee when a candidate misses the examination, unless there are compelling reasons for restitution. The board of Stichting NVC Exams decides on this matter.


17. Candidates can sign up for an exam by filling in the entry form provided by the secretariat of Stichting NVC Examens or the form on the website.

18. At the examination candidates should be able to identify themselves upon request by means of a passport, driving licence, or identity card.


19. The completed written examinations are evaluated by at least two members of the examination committee, resulting in one single grade. These grades are not open for inspection.

20. During the oral examination each candidate is tested by at least two members of the examination committee, who individually determine a grade.

The oral examination is recorded on tape and stored until after the period in which appeals can be lodged has passed.

21. The completed examinations are graded on a scale from 0 to 10. The valuation of the grades is:

    1.    very poor
    2.    poor
    3.    very insufficient
    4.    insufficient
    5.    below sufficient
    6.    sufficient
    7.    satisfactory
    8.    good
    9.    very good
    10.    excellent

    0 can be given for unanswered questions.

22.  Each exam consists of several parts with the following grading weight:

NVC Packaging Professional I:   

25% multiple choice
25% open questions morning exam
50% open questions afternoon exam

NVC Packaging Professional II:     

12.5% multiple choice
12.5% open questions morning exam
25% open questions afternoon exam
50% oral exam

The grades of each examination part are rounded to tenths. When the next digit of the score is 5 or higher the grade is rounded up, when the next digit is lower than 5 the grade is rounded down.

The final grade is determined by the sum of the grades for the examination parts multiplied by the corresponding weighting factors. The final grade is rounded to units; when the next digit is 5 or higher the grade is rounded up, when the next digit is lower than 5 the grade is rounded down.

23. All grades that are awarded to a candidate are summarized in an overview by the secretary of the examination committee for the final grade.

24. Candidates awarded with a final grade of 6 or higher pass the exam. In extraordinary cases the examination committee can deviate from this rule.

25. The examination results will be announced only after all candidates are tested and evaluated and the final grades of the examinations have been fixed by the examination committee.


26. The examination committee submits a report to the board of Stichting NVC Examens for each exam that is held.

27. The annual report of the exams that were held during the previous year is sent to Stichting Examenkamer at the moment of publication.

Examination Results and Diploma

28. Candidates who pass their examinations are awarded with the corresponding diploma.

29. Each candidate receives a written notification of the secretariat of Stichting NVC Examens of the examination results.

30. The diploma is signed by or on behalf of the chairman of Stichting NVC Examens, the chairman of the respective examination committee, the respective delegate of Stichting Examenkamer, and the successful candidate.

31. The names of the successful candidates are published and registered at the association NVC Netherlands Packaging Centre in Gouda in accordance with the statutory requirements.

Special provisions

32. The board of Stichting NVC Examens decides in special cases not provided for in these regulations. In urgent cases or during examinations the chairman of the respective examination committee or his or her deputy present at the examination decides in consultation with the delegate of Stichting Examenkamer.

Background information

Final Attainment Levels and Examination Requirements NVC Packaging Professional I
Competence Profile Packaging Technologist
Final Attainment Levels and Examination Requirements NVC Packaging Professional II
Competence Profile Packaging Manager

The above information can be obtained on request from:

Stichting NVC Examens
Stationsplein 9k, 2801 AK  GOUDA
PO Box 164, 2800 AD  GOUDA
Telephone:    +31(0)182-512411

Appeals Procedure

1.    Nature of Appeal

Candidates can lodge an appeal on the content of an exam or against the procedures followed. The board of Stichting NVC Examens may decide after hearing at least the chairman of the examination committee and the candidate.

2.    Procedure

Appeals should be sent by registered post within four weeks of the date of the written notification of the results. An appeal is placed under consideration after payment is received. The fee needs to be paid within five weeks after the date of the written notification of the results to the bank account number of Stichting NVC Examens.

The board of Stichting NVC Examens will notify the candidate of its decision within four weeks after payment is received.

3.    Content of Appeal

An appeal needs to contain at least the following elements:

  • Justification of the reasons the appeal is based on;
  • Name and address of the candidate;
  • Type of exam, examination number, and birth date;
  • Clear statement that it is an appeal;
  • Bank account number.

Appeals with regard to oral examinations can only be filed in the case of a commercial conflict of interest between the candidate and one or more members of the examination committee involved in the oral examination of the candidate.

4.    Costs

There are costs associated with the treatment of an appeal. The fee for lodging an appeal is € 75,00.
This fee serves as a contribution toward the costs of considering the appeal.

The fee must be paid within five weeks after the date of the written notification of the examination results to the bank account number of Stichting NVC Examens, with these words in the annotation:

  •  name of the candidate
  •  'appeal'

An appeal is placed under consideration as soon as payment is received and all other mentioned conditions are met.

When an appeal is upheld Stichting NVC Examens will proceed to implement the consequences and restitution of the above-mentioned fee as appropriate.

5.    Appeals Procedure Stichting Examenkamer

A candidate can lodge an appeal against the decision of the board of Stichting NVC Examens on his or her appeal at Stichting Examenkamer.

Stichting Examenkamer has been supervising the examination requirements and NVC Packaging Professional exams and recognises the diplomas as stated in the Regulations Packaging Professional.

There are specific rules for the appeals procedure at Stichting Examenkamer and the corresponding fee. These can be obtained on request from Stichting Examenkamer, PO Box 3439, 7301 EK Apeldoorn.

Stichting NVC Examens
Stationsplein 9k, 2801 AK  GOUDA
PO Box 164, 2800 AD  GOUDA
Telephone:    +31(0)182-512411